Luistertherapie helpt problemen van de moderne levensstijl te verlichten (Engels)
Listening therapy helps allivate the problems of modern life
The demands of daily life (at work) have increased greatly.Listening therapy problems such as:
Burnout, stress and (age-related) depression
Hearing loss, sensitivity to noise, damage due to noise pollution, etc.
Anxiety and fears
Inner harmonization
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A high peeping, whistling or hissing sound – the types of disturbing continuous noises (tinnitus) are many and there is no “tuning out” for those affected. Even if they try to relax, the terror in their heads continues. Overstimulation over a long period of time has its consequences for those who experience it. But noise and continuous exposure to loud sounds are only two of the things which can cause tinnitus. It can also be the result of a psychological reaction, for example due to too much stress. Tinnitus, if we may use an image, is a type of acoustic warning sign of excessive demands over too long a time.
How does Tomatis listening therapy help?
Above all, it is the relaxation technology in the acoustic processing which has a positive effect on tinnitus (=> micro-gymnastics for the ears). During listening therapy, there is a constant alternation between high and low tones. This means on the one side an energizing of the brain through higher frequencies, and a stimulation of motor skills through lower frequencies on the other (=> Ménierè’s disease). Relaxation and dynamic energy thus alternate. In the process, people learn to be able to relax, to ignore the tinnitus noise and to no longer actively listen to it.
Based on experience, almost all tinnitus patients profit from listening therapy, albeit with varying degrees of success. It ranges from those who experience a slight improvement of the symptoms to those whose tinnitus disappears completely or at least for a period of time.
Burnout, stress and (age-related) depression
One of the most common reasons for burnout is disappointment over goals which have not been met. Symptoms include apathy, moodiness and irritability. There are other vague symptoms such as concentration and memory loss and the general deterioration of cognitive performance. Depression is also often part of the picture. The number of employees in Germany who called in sick due to burnout increased by 1400 per cent (!) between 2004 and 2011, according to a study made by the German Chamber of Psychotherapists (BPtK).
How can Tomatis listening therapy help?
The listening test graph of burnout patients shows a downwards curve over the higher frequencies. This is disastrous, because sounds starting at 3000 Hertz upwards stimulate the brain. If these “antennas” point downwards, then those afflicted are hardly able to adequately recover. The loss of creativity and fantasy, a negative attitude towards life and the lack of strength to perform tasks are the results.
During listening therapy, the high frequencies are especially stimulated and the listener is taught to pay attention to listen in a targeted way. After a time, motivation and the ability to concentrate and perform return. Stress is reduced and listeners can then “recharge their batteries”.
Also, listening therapy helps listeners open up inside and helps them find their inner balance. Important and unimportant things can be better discerned. This supports a possible new approach to everyday (job) stress and/or a new personal orientation.
Inner harmonization
Tomatis listening training lays the groundwork for positive personal development. The goal is to have improved interaction between the cortex and the limbic system and the therapy serves to harmonize body, brain and mind.
What does Tomatis listening therapy do?
Using an “acoustic return” to the pre-natal phase of development, the listener can repeat or catch up on correct development or recover development which was lost due to various reasons, such as trauma. This includes: developmental problems during pregnancy or problems during birth, learning and sensory disorders and much more. The mother’s voice which is filtered leaving only the high frequencies (or alternatively, simply high frequencies) strengthens the sense of basic trust and can have a liberating effect with regard to fears and general insecurities. Also, the mother’s voice awakens the drive to communicate.
By using listening therapy (=> passive and active phases of listening therapy), listeners step in to a balanced relationship between themselves and their daily world. They also find their inner balance (again). Perception of both the body and the self are enhanced. Thanks to increased energy, brought about through high frequencies, listeners can concentrate better and become more creative. Adults are then in a position to take responsibility for themselves and to work through traumas. This is how old problems can be overcome and the path is cleared for a new phase of life.